Saturday, July 11, 2009

Getting OUT of an Abusive Relationship

You CAN get out. You just need to know HOW. Everyone's situation is different and therefore no one page here (or anywhere else) is going to give you all of your solutions, but I'll do my best to help anyone however I can in this situation by telling my own stories (yes, that's plural!). If you don't want to leave a public comment, you're welcome to email me at I do NOT have any fancy letters after my name or any degrees hanging on the wall - I only have my own personal experiences in abusive relationships, my friends experiences, & the blessing of having worked for a GREAT social service agency that provided me with a ton of resources and I feel that makes me qualified to write on this topic. No book or classroom could ever teach me what I've learned over the past 20 years, and no psychologist, psychiatrist, or other medical professional gave me "realistic advice" to help me to get away from these men.

First, lets cover what "abuse" is.

Physical abuse is what you hear the most about .... he/she struck you on purpose about sums it up. Whether it's with an open hand, a closed fist, an object they threw at you, a "push", a "strong arm", etc. it falls under this category. It's abuse you can "see". Their action caused you harm.

But wait! There's MORE!

Emotional Abuse - that's one you don't hear a whole lot about, but in my opinion it's the most common type, the most "overlooked", & the WORST! They find a way into your head and take away your self confidence, self respect and self worth....they do this by degrading you, name calling, humiliation, etc.

Sexual Abuse in relationships are also "under-rated" in my opinion. Sexual abuse CAN/DOES happen in marriages/relationships. Sexual abuse is when you feel you are being "forced" to perform sexual acts to someone that you don't want to.

Financial Abuse - Your Partner Controls It ALL. Whether you work or not, they control all assets.

Tomorrow, I'll start my stories - Thank you so much for visiting my site! I hope that thru this blog, I can help someone :-)

Are You Trapped in an Unhappy Marriage Because You Believe That You Can’t Afford to Leave?”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Suzy for commenting on my blog and following me and I am glad to do the same. I look forward to reading some of your stories and I'm sorry to hear that you were in abusive relationships. I can't say that I understand what you went through cuz I don't, but I am so happy that you are helping others get out of abusive relationships through your blogging.
