Sunday, July 12, 2009

He's Back! The Nightmare Begins

Are You Trapped in an Unhappy Marriage Because You Believe That You Can’t Afford to Leave?”

Eleven years had passed since I'd heard from my first daughter's father. I'd graduated high school, moved to a different city, gotten married & divorced and had another child by that time. I was working 3 jobs, lived in a nice townhouse and was out on my first date in 3 years when he called.

My neighbor was babysitting my kids, but my oldest had come back to the house for a minute to get a movie they could watch next door. Timing is EVERYTHING! The phone rang, so she answered it thinking it was my friend asking her to grab something else while she was there for her little sister.

Now, we never really talked about her father in great detail. All she really knew was his name, that he was in and out of jail a lot, and that he was probably staying away from us for her own good considering his "track record" with the law.

A recording comes on the line "You have a collect call from xxxx , from the Department of Corrections DeQuincy prison facility". ... I cannot imagine what went thru her mind or how shocked/scared she was at that moment. She slammed the phone down, ran next door and after several minutes was finally able to calm down enough to tell my friend what happened.

Ya know, in thinking back to it just now, I never got a straight answer on how he got my phone number. It was unlisted, AND I had a new last name, AND he'd been in jail for all but 2 1/2 years out of the past 11!

That's all I have time to write right now, but stay's one hell of a story!

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