Wednesday, July 15, 2009

He's Back! Abuse & Alcohol - A Little of Both

Are You Trapped in an Unhappy Marriage Because You Believe That You Can’t Afford to Leave?”

One of my 3 jobs at the time was bartending. I've never been a drinker, but I did keep a well stocked bar at my house for entertaining and "practicing" bar tricks. I've never had any use for a drinking man though so my next trick was a disappearing act. I poured every last bottle down the drain and have never bought a fifth of liquor since.

Now mind you, I don't think that every man who takes a drink is going to be abusive, nor do I have anything against having a few drinks every now and then. I simply said that I have no use for a "drinking man". I've never wanted a man that (for whatever reason) stopped off at the bar on the way home, or who's routine included having a drink at the end of the day much less one who over-indulges on a regular basis where-ever, whenever, & for whatever reason. What I consider a "social drinker" may vary from the rest of the world. I have no problems with going out every now and then and having a few drinks, nor do I have problems w/the friday night poker games drinking or monday night football drinks, etc. In my eyes, there's a world of difference between someone who drinks, and a drinker - the latter, I just have no use for in my life.

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